The ZOE for Life!® initiative is a nonprofit organization. For it to survive and perform life promoting services, we need your help.
ZOE for Life!® asks that you support this life saving ministry with your tax deductible donation. Become a monthly donor through PayPal, or use the Donate button below to make a secure online donation.
Or you can make a check payable to ZOE for Life!® and send it to:
ZOE for Life!®
National Office (Mailing address only)
3352 Mayfield Road
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Here Are Ways You Can Help
The ZOE for Life!® initiative can only succeed with your participation. God has blessed each of us with many gifts and talents. If you would like to get involved and promote this outreach, here is a sampling of how you can put your talents to work.
Advertising and Public Relations
Provide a host home for a woman in a crisis pregnancy
Host a Prayer for the Unborn Supplication Service on the Sanctity of Life Sunday every January.
Download the Supplication Service
Host a ZOE for Life!® baby shower
Computer and web skills
Display and distribute
ZOE For Life!® materials
Become a Parish Representative to Orthodox parishes in your area
Link your parish website with ZOE for Life!®‘s
Attend the March for Life in Washington, D.C.
Start a ZOE for Life!® Chapter in your area