One of the goals of ZOE for Life!® is to assist in coordinating and facilitating an adoption by connecting women interested in creating an adoption plan for her baby with qualified Orthodox Christians.
It is our hope that women in crisis pregnancies will turn to ZOE for Life!® as a confidential alternative to abortion, knowing that ZOE for Life!® exists as a support network for them. It functions as a confidential resource and intermediary, providing access to existing professional agencies.
ZOE for Life!® registers Orthodox Christians interested in expanding their families through adoption in their Adoptive Parents Registration file, a compilation of potential adoptive families. It also guides them in creating their Adoptive Parents Resume, an autobiography of the prospective adoptive family for the birth mother to see, should she decide that adoption is the best choice for her and her baby.
In order to register with ZOE for Life!® as an adoptive parent, please download and print our application packet. Kindly fill in the requested information in blue ink, and return it to us at:
ZOE for Life!®
National Office (Mailing address only)
3352 Mayfield Road
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
ZOE for Life!® is not an attorney, law firm, private or public licensed adoption agency or social worker. We are a referral service for both women in crisis pregnancies, and those who seek to adopt.