
Fr. Jerry Hall

Thank you ZOE for Life!® for your ministry of love and compassion. Thank you for showing others what true love looks like when you offer support to women who find themselves in a very difficult situation and feel very much alone. This ministry truly saved two lives. Thanks to your love, support, encouragement and assistance, a new life has entered the world and a mother’s life was spared a lifetime of remorse and regret for a life that might have been lost.

This is a ministry that is making a difference one life at a time and the importance is priceless. Every human life is a sacred gift from God and the Lord voluntarily sacrificed His life for each individual life; that is the gift ZOE for Life!® is seeking to preserve.

It has been my privilege to witness the work of ZOE for Life!® first hand. This ministry has gone the extra mile to reach out to a woman in need. They preserved her dignity and helped her make a difficult decision and then they supported, encouraged and challenged her to make better decisions for her future and her family’s future.

ZOE for Life!® did a great job of keeping me informed of their progress and support they were providing, while they maintained the dignity and privacy of the family.

ZOE for Life!® is a small organization that is making an enormous impact on the lives of others. It is a visible witness where Orthodox Christians are not only talking the talk but walking the walk.

Bravo ZOE for Life!® May the Lord of life continue to bless the work you do and multiply your resources to offer more assistance and support to woman and families.

Fr. Jerry Hall
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church