Many women are fortunate to have love and support guiding them towards marriage, children, and a meaningful life. Others may find themselves in different circumstances which could result in an unplanned pregnancy with little or no support. Their situation may have them in turmoil and panic, where healthy decisions are difficult to make.
ZOE for Life!® serves as a conduit, guiding women to a wider range of support organizations, providing an attractive set of options and a promising outlook on their situation. There is counseling, housing referral assistance, referral for prenatal care, adoption and other services available for which most women in distress are unaware. It is the goal of ZOE for Life!® to offer more opportunities to women in unplanned pregnancies, and to empower them to make decisions everyone can live with.
ZOE for Life!® is a pan-Orthodox outreach of Orthodox Christians. It is funded privately, and has received 501(c)(3) status from the Internal Revenue Service. All gifts are tax-deductible as specified by law.